If I Could Have Only One
The Weber Summit Charcoal
I have worked my way through quite a few smokers and BBQs, I am glad I don't have to have the one, but if I had too here are my thoughts.
1. The low & slow
2. The hot & fast
3. The really hot & fast
4. The cost
5. The save
7. Where to buy
7. Final thoughts
The low & slow
This is really the crux of what we do, low & slow smoking away while we enjoy a beer. This is made all the easier with the Weber Summit Charcoal (WSC) by how well it can hold these temps. On top of that there so much useable real estate thanks to the baffle diffuser and the expansion rack.
The Hot & Fast
The rapid fire vent and master touch system can really allow you to hit those hot & fast roasting temperatures. Which are perfect for getting crackle on a pork belly.
The Really Hot & Fast
Now there's an occasion when you want to hit those 650f temps and it's really no problem at all. All you have to do is load her up with Charcoal and open up all her vents! Pizza is the perfect example for this, I had some left over brisket and made quick dough, within a couple minutes on the WSC it was done!
The cost
So here is the kicker, she is not cheap. Without the cart it is $2599 AUD and the with the cart it is $3299 AUD. I have one without the cart, if I could buy it again I would pay the extra and get that cart. On more than one occasion the space to put things down would have really come in handy.
The Save
The WSC is extremely efficient with the charcoal, it also snuffs it out really well to use again. This is all thanks to being sealed really well from the steel gaskets to the flush fit dampers.
Where to buy
The nice thing about Weber is they are often family owned or independent stores. Use the Weber website to find your local store. Some of the big chain retailers do stock these but I'd recommend supporting a local dealer instead, you'll get better advice and service.
Final Thoughts
The WSC has excellent heat retention and also burps really well, meaning you go between temps relatively quickly for a kamado style cooker. This makes it the most versatile cooker I have and continue to use on the regular.